Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Well after a marathon postcard effort last night, I was too tired to write a post.  Though I think tired will be a constant state when I'm out all day, don't get to bed until late, and then am up early the next morning! But watch out for a postcard soon!  Will try and figure out how to post things today :)

Anyways, so of course had class again yesterday, which was fine.  Though we have to do a speech soon, which I'm not looking forward to so much :S But as seminars don't actually start until next week, I still have the afternoons kinda free this week, which has been nice.  So we went to Titisee, which is a little town/lake about half an hour away by train.  It was great - the town was really cute (as usual!) and the lake was beautiful too.  It was a beautiful afternoon too, sunny and hot but not uncomfortably so.  Even though I don't really tan, I kinda feel like I might be a little browner than when I came :)

So we got there and found a nice spot by the lake where we laid in the sun for awhile.  Could have swam, but contented myself with a paddle, which was also nice.  Am still planning on going swimming at the Seepark here in Freiburg though - got to make some use of the fact that I brought swimmers!  After that we walked down the street and bought some ice-cream and some specialty cherry-vanilla liqueur, then rented an awesome bright orange boat shaped like a doughnut, and went for a half our spin on the lake.  Took us awhile to figure out how to work it though - we were going in circles near the shore for like the first 10 mins lol.  But yeah, altogether it was a really nice afternoon with new friends - Rebecca, Jenna, Katie and Karl who I have mentioned before, and also Barbara who is from England and Alex who is from Belgium :)

I have also finally been able to do some washing!  Its in the machine right now :) Finally remembered to ask Yolanda - my really nice roommate - and she lent me her washing machine card.  So I've narrowly avoided getting to the point of needing to buy some underwear in order to have clean ones!  Its good having German roommates actually, cos its a good chance to actually practice my German, which is something I do desperately need.

Now today I need to spend as much time as I can in the language lab, as I still have 19.5 hours left to do so I can get that credit!  I swear I don't work so hard for my credits at ANU?!  So probably won't have anything interesting to write about tonight.  But we're going on an excursion to the Schwarzwald this weekend, and then hopefully Bodensee next weekend - they're both on a Saturday.  Then we're also working on plans to go to Baden-Baden and Switzerland - so many plans so little time!  Hoping to cram as much as possible into the next 3 weekends, which means I'm going to be so tired by the time I reach Dundee!   It'll definitely be worth it though :)

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